Brian and I went to dinner to celebrate our birthdays (mine is July 19 and Brian's is July 16). Brian gave me my birthday present at dinner. I unwrapped a new digital camera that I had not so subtly hinted I wanted. Brian suggested that I take out the camera and try it out - so I took a picture of him and wanted to see the results. I viewed the picture of Brian I had just taken, and clicked the button again and there was a picture of a blue little box. Another click of the button and there was picture of the blue little box open but empty (this is when I realized it was a ring box). Another click of the button and there was a picture of the box open with a ring inside. A final click of the button revealed a picture of the box with the ring with words "Marry Me?" written across it. Then Brian pulled out the real ring box and with the real ring inside.......needless to say I said yes - then he put the ring on my finger.

So much excitement and all before our main course arrived.
