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Bundle This

Every time I need to talk to Qwest (our ISP) about anything I get the same thing:  in their focus to upsell me with bundled packages they forget all about why I actually called.


iPhone 3G

I have a confession: I'm a closet iPhone user. And I just waited in line six hours for a new one.


New Servers, Version 2.0 Redux

I had this great idea for laying down a new pair of servers as virtual servers running on some reasonably decent hardware. I’ve been fiddling nonstop for the last three weeks with this beast (ask Danna; she’s ready to disown me). I’ve learned a lot about how Virtual Server works. Enough to know that what I was trying to do would never work.


New iPhone

I told myself: just one trip to the Apple store. If they had a phone in stock, I'd buy it. If not, I wouldn't sweat it and I wouldn't order it over the internet. They had one in stock. I bought it, and that's where the saga begins.


Bye Bye Comments

I have disabled all comments and referral links on the site and deleted all comment records and referral statistics from the database. It's now a closed system. Spam bots will need to go somewhere else.

Xbox 360 Rocks

Xbox 360 Rocks

Danna was able to snag me an XBox 360 for Christmas. So I guess I should be saying that Danna rocks -- which she does.
